Géométrie dans la Nature


Publications (en anglais)

  1. Articles scientifiques
  2. Livres
  3. Mémoires


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1. Articles scientifiques


    Conformational Space of the Translocation Domain of Botulinum Toxin: Atomistic Modeling and Mesoscopic Description of the Coiled-Coil Helix Bundle

    Alexandre Delort, Grazia Cottone, Thérèse E. Malliavin, Martin Michael Müller
    Int. J. Mol. Sci., 25: 2481, 2024.



    Flexoelectric fluid membrane vesicles in spherical confinement

    Niloufar Abtahi, Lila Bouzar, Nadia Saidi-Amroun, Martin Michael Müller

    The morphology of spherically confined flexoelectric fluid membrane vesicles in an ex- ternal uniform electric field is studied numerically. Due to the deformations induced by the confinement, the membrane becomes polarized resulting in an interaction with the external field. The equilibrium shapes of the vesicle without electric field can be clas- sified in a geometrical phase diagram as a function of scaled area and reduced volume [1, 2]. When the area of the membrane is only slightly larger than the area of the con- fining sphere, a single axisymmetric invagination appears. A non-vanishing electric field induces an additional elongation of the confined vesicle which is either perpendicular or parallel depending on the sign of the electric field parameter. Higher values of the surface area or the electric field parameter can reduce the symmetry of the system leading to more complex folding. We present the resulting shapes and show that transition lines are shifted in the presence of an electric field. The obtained folding patterns could be of interest for biophysical and technological applications alike.

     Fermer     Plus d'infos

    EPL, 131(1): 18001, 2020. Cf. aussi arXiv:2006.04475.



    Isometric bending requires local constraints on free edges

    Jemal Guven, Martin Michael Müller, Pablo Vázquez-Montejo

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    Math. Mech. Solids, 24: 4051, 2019. Cf. aussi arXiv:1904.05855.



    Helical Superstructure of Intermediate Filaments

    Lila Bouzar, Martin Michael Müller, René Messina, Bernd Nöding, Sarah Köster, Hervé Mohrbach, Igor M. Kulić

    Intermediate filaments are the least explored among the large cytoskeletal elements. We show here that they display conformational anomalies in narrow microfluidic channels. Their unusual behavior can be understood as the consequence of a previously undetected, large scale helically curved superstructure. Confinement in a channel orders the otherwise soft, strongly fluctuating helical filaments and enhances their structural correlations, giving rise to experimentally detectable, strongly oscillating tangent correlation functions. We propose an explanation for the detected intrinsic curving phenomenon - an elastic shape instability that we call autocoiling. The mechanism involves self-induced filament buckling via a surface stress located at the outside of the cross-section. The results agree with ultrastructural findings and rationalize for the commonly observed looped intermediate filament shapes. Beyond curvature, explaining the molecular origin of the detected helical torsion remains an interesting challenge.

     Fermer     Plus d'infos

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 122: 098101, 2019. Cf. aussi arXiv:1803.04691.



    Vesicle dynamics in confined steady and harmonically modulated Poiseuille flows

    Zakaria Boujja, Chaouqi Misbah, Hamid Ez-Zahraouy, Abdelilah Benyoussef, Thomas John, Christian Wagner, Martin Michael Müller

    We present a numerical study of the time-dependent motion of a membrane vesicle in a channel under an imposed flow. In a Poiseuille flow the shape of the vesicle depends on the flow strength, the mechanical properties of the membrane, and the width of the channel. In a wide parameter region, the emerging snaking shape shows an oscillatory motion like a swimmer flagella even though the flow is stationary. We quantify this behavior by the amplitude and frequency of the oscillations of the vesicle's center of mass. The influence of an amplitude modulation of the imposed flow on the dynamics and shape of the snaking vesicle is also investigated. We find that this modulation---when sufficiently small---induces a modulation in amplitude and frequency of the center of mass of the snaking vesicle. For large modulation amplitudes transitions to static shapes are observed.


    Phys. Rev. E, 98: 043111, 2018. Cf. aussi arXiv:1810.04500.



    Confining a fluid membrane vesicle of toroidal topology in an adhesive hard sphere

    Lila Bouzar, Ferhat Menas, Martin Michael Müller

    We discuss how the equilibrium shapes of a confined toroidal fluid membrane vesicle change when an adhesion between membrane and confining sphere is taken into account. The case without adhesion was studied in Ref. [1]. Different types of solution were found and assembled in a phase diagram as a function of area and reduced volume of the membrane. Depending on the degree of confinement the vesicle is either free, in contact along a circle (contact-circle solutions) or on a surface (contact-area solutions). All solutions without adhesion are up-down symmetric. When the container is adhesive, the phase diagram is altered and new kinds of solution without up-down symmetry are found. For increasing values of adhesion the region of contact-circle solutions shrinks until it vanishes completely from the phase diagram.

     Fermer     Plus d'infos

    IOP Conf. Series: MSE, 186: 012021, 2017.



    Squeezed helical elastica

    Lila Bouzar, Martin Michael Müller, Pierre Gosselin, Igor M. Kulić, Hervé Mohrbach

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    Eur. Phys. J. E, 39: 114, 2016. Cf. aussi arXiv:1606.03611.



    How bio-filaments twist membranes

    Julien Fierling, Albert Johner, Igor M. Kulić, Hervé Mohrbach, Martin Michael Müller

    We study the deformations of a fluid membrane imposed by adhering stiff bio-filaments due to the torques they apply. In the limit of small deformations, we derive a general expression for the energy and the deformation field of the membrane. This expression is specialised to different important cases including closed and helical bio-filaments. In particular, we analyse interface-mediated interactions and membrane wrapping when the filaments apply a local torque distribution on a tubular membrane.


    Soft Matter, 12: 5747, 2016.



    Toroidal membrane vesicles in spherical confinement

    Lila Bouzar, Ferhat Menas, Martin Michael Müller

    We investigate the morphology of a toroidal fluid membrane vesicle confined inside a spherical container. The equilibrium shapes are assembled in a geometrical phase diagram as a function of scaled area and reduced volume of the membrane. For small area the vesicle can adopt its free form. When increasing the area, the membrane cannot avoid contact and touches the confining sphere along a circular contact line, which extends to a zone of contact for higher area. The elastic energies of the equilibrium shapes are compared to those of their confined counterparts of spherical topology to predict under which conditions a topology change is favored energetically.

     Fermer     Plus d'infos

    Phys. Rev. E, 92: 032721, 2015. Cf. aussi arXiv:1509.00765.



    Non-linear buckling and symmetry breaking of a soft elastic sheet sliding on a cylindrical substrate

    Norbert Stoop, Martin Michael Müller

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    Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 75: 115, 2015. Cf. aussi arXiv:1503.05030.



    Crunching Biofilament Rings

    Julien Fierling, Martin Michael Müller, Hervé Mohrbach, Albert Johner, Igor M. Kulić

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    Europhys. Lett., 107(6): 68002, 2014. Cf. aussi arXiv:1408.6787.



    Confotronic dynamics of tubular filaments

    Osman Kahraman, Hervé Mohrbach, Martin Michael Müller, Igor M. Kulić

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    Soft Matter, 10(16): pp. 2836-2847, 2014. Cf. aussi arXiv:1312.3106.



    Whirling skirts and rotating cones

    Jemal Guven, J. A. Hanna, Martin Michael Müller


    New J. Phys., 15: 113055, 2013. Cf. aussi arXiv:1306.2619.



    Myotubularin and PtdIns3P remodel the sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle in vivo

    Leonela Amoasii, Karim Hnia, Gaëtan Chicanne, Andreas Brech, Belinda Simone Cowling, Martin Michael Müller, Yannick Schwab, Pascale Koebel, Arnaud Ferry, Bernard Payrastre, Jocelyn Laporte


    J. Cell Sci., 126(8): 1806, 2013.



    Dipoles in thin sheets

    Jemal Guven, J. A. Hanna, Osman Kahraman, Martin Michael Müller

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    Eur. Phys. J. E, 36: 106, 2013. Cf. aussi arXiv:1212.3262.



    Fluid membrane vesicles in confinement

    Osman Kahraman, Norbert Stoop, Martin Michael Müller

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    New J. Phys., 14: 095021, 2012.



    Petal shapes of sympetaleous flowers: the interplay between growth, geometry and elasticity

    Martine Ben Amar, Martin Michael Müller, Miguel Trejo

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    New J. Phys., 14: 085014, 2012. Choisi pour les Highlights of 2012.



    Morphogenesis of membrane invaginations in spherical confinement

    Osman Kahraman, Norbert Stoop, Martin Michael Müller

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    Europhys. Lett., 97(6): 68008, 2012. Cf. aussi arXiv:1201.2518.



    Conical instabilities on paper

    Jemal Guven, Martin Michael Müller, Pablo Vázquez-Montejo

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    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 45(1): 015203, 2012. Cf. aussi arXiv:1107.5008.



    Interface-mediated interactions: Entropic forces of curved membranes

    Pierre Gosselin, Hervé Mohrbach, Martin Michael Müller

    Particles embedded in a fluctuating interface experience forces and torques mediated by the deformations and by the thermal fluctuations of the medium. Considering a system of two cylinders bound to a fluid membrane we show that the entropic contribution enhances the curvature-mediated repulsion between the two cylinders. This is contrary to the usual attractive Casimir force in the absence of curvature-mediated interactions. For a large distance between the cylinders, we retrieve the renormalization of the surface tension of a flat membrane due to thermal fluctuations.

     Fermer     Plus d'infos

    Phys. Rev. E, 83(5): 051921, 2011. Cf. aussi arXiv:1011.1221.



    Self-Contact and Instabilities in the Anisotropic Growth of Elastic Membranes

    Norbert Stoop, Falk K. Wittel, Martine Ben Amar, Martin Michael Müller, Hans J. Herrmann

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    Phys. Rev. Lett., 105(6): 068101, 2010. Cf. aussi arXiv:1007.1871.



    Cell Model Approach to Membrane Mediated Protein Interactions

    Martin Michael Müller, Markus Deserno

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    Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl., 184: pp. 351-363, 2010.



    Hamiltonian formulation of surfaces with constant Gaussian curvature

    Miguel Trejo, Martine Ben Amar, Martin Michael Müller

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    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 42(42): 425204, 2009.



    Local Membrane Mechanics of Pore-Spanning Bilayers

    Ingo Mey, Milena Stephan, Eva K. Schmitt, Martin Michael Müller, Martine Ben Amar, Claudia Steinem, Andreas Janshoff

    The mechanical behavior of lipid bilayers spanning the pores of highly ordered porous silicon substrates was studied by local indentation experiments as a function of surface functionalization, lipid composition, solvent content, indentation velocity, and pore radius. Solvent-containing nanoblack lipid membranes (nano-BLMs) as well as solvent-free pore-spanning bilayers were imaged by fluorescence and atomic force microscopy prior to force curve acquisition, which allows distinguishing between membrane-covered and uncovered pores. Force indentation curves on pore-spanning bilayers attached to functionalized hydrophobic porous silicon substrates reveal a predominately linear response that is mainly attributed to prestress in the membranes. This is in agreement with the observation that indentation leads to membrane lysis well below 5% area dilatation. However, membrane bending and lateral tension dominates over prestress and stretching if solvent-free supported membranes obtained from spreading giant liposomes on hydrophilic porous silicon are indented.

     Fermer     Plus d'infos

    J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131(20): pp. 7031-7039, 2009.



    Elasticity Mapping of Pore-Suspending Native Cell Membranes

    Bärbel Lorenz, Ingo Mey, Siegfried Steltenkamp, Tamir Fine, Christina Rommel, Martin Michael Müller, Alexander Maiwald, Joachim Wegener, Claudia Steinem, Andreas Janshoff

    The mechanics of cellular membranes is governed by a non-equilibrium composite framework consisting of the semiflexible filamentous cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix proteins linked to the lipid bilayer. While elasticity information of plasma membranes has mainly been obtained from whole cell analysis, techniques that allow to address local mechanical properties of cell membranes are desirable to learn how their lipid and protein composition is reflected in the elastic behavior on local length scales. Here, we introduce an approach based on basolateral membranes of polar epithelial Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) II cells, prepared on a highly ordered porous substrate that allows elastic mapping on a submicrometer length scale. A strong correlation between the density of actin filaments and the measured membrane elasticity is found. Spatially resolved indentation experiments carried out with atomic force and fluorescence microscope permit to relate the supramolecular structure to the elasticity of cellular membranes. It is shown that the elastic response of the pore-spanning cell membranes is governed by the local bending modules rather than the lateral tension.

     Fermer     Plus d'infos

    Small, 5(7): pp. 832-838, 2009.



    Conical Defects in Growing Sheets

    Martin Michael Müller, Martine Ben Amar, Jemal Guven

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    Phys. Rev. Lett., 101(15): 156104, 2008. Cf. aussi arXiv:0807.1814.



    How paper folds: bending with local constraints

    Jemal Guven, Martin Michael Müller

    A variational framework is introduced to describe how a surface bends when it is subject to local constraints on its geometry. This framework is applied to describe the patterns of a folded sheet of paper. The unstretchability of paper implies a constraint on the surface metric; bending is penalized by an energy quadratic in mean curvature. The local Lagrange multipliers enforcing the constraint are identified with a conserved tangential stress that couples to the extrinsic curvature of the sheet. The framework is illustrated by examining the deformation of a flat sheet into a generalized cone.

     Fermer     Plus d'infos

    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 41(5): 055203, 2008. Cf. aussi arXiv:0712.0978.



    Contact lines for fluid surface adhesion

    Markus Deserno, Martin Michael Müller, Jemal Guven

    When a fluid surface adheres to a substrate, the location of the contact line adjusts in order to minimize the overall energy. This adhesion balance implies boundary conditions which depend on the characteristic surface deformation energies. We develop a general geometrical framework within which these conditions can be systematically derived. We treat both adhesion to a rigid substrate as well as adhesion between two fluid surfaces, and illustrate our general results for several important Hamiltonians involving both curvature and curvature gradients. Some of these have previously been studied using very different techniques, others are to our knowledge new. What becomes clear in our approach is that, except for capillary phenomena, these boundary conditions are not the manifestation of a local force balance, even if the concept of surface stress is properly generalized. Hamiltonians containing higher order surface derivatives are not just sensitive to boundary translations but also notice changes in slope or even curvature. Both the necessity and the functional form of the corresponding additional contributions follow readily from our treatment.

     Fermer     Plus d'infos

    Phys. Rev. E, 76(1): 011605, 2007. Cf. aussi cond-mat/0703019.
    Choisi pour le Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.



    Balancing torques in membrane-mediated interactions: Exact results and numerical illustrations

    Martin Michael Müller, Markus Deserno, Jemal Guven

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    Phys. Rev. E, 76(1): 011921, 2007. Cf. aussi cond-mat/0702340.
    Choisi pour le Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.



    Aggregation and vesiculation of membrane proteins by curvature-mediated interactions

    Benedict J. Reynwar, Gregoria Illya, Vagelis A. Harmandaris, Martin Michael Müller, Kurt Kremer, Markus Deserno

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    Nature 447(7143): pp. 461-464, 2007.



    How to determine local elastic properties of lipid bilayer membranes from atomic-force-microscope measurements: A theoretical analysis

    Davood Norouzi, Martin Michael Müller, Markus Deserno

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    Phys. Rev. E, 74(6): 061914, 2006. Cf. aussi cond-mat/0602662.
    Choisi pour le Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.



    Mechanical Properties of Pore-Spanning Lipid Bilayers Probed by Atomic Force Microscopy

    Siegfried Steltenkamp, Martin Michael Müller, Markus Deserno, Christian Hennesthal, Claudia Steinem, Andreas Janshoff

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    Biophys. J., 91(1): pp. 217-226, 2006.



    Interface mediated interactions between particles -- a geometrical approach

    Martin Michael Müller, Markus Deserno, Jemal Guven

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    Phys. Rev. E, 72(6): 061407, 2005. Cf. aussi cond-mat/0506019.
    Choisi pour le Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.



    Geometry of surface-mediated interactions

    Martin Michael Müller, Markus Deserno, Jemal Guven

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    Europhys. Lett., 69(3): pp. 482-488, 2005. Cf. aussi cond-mat/0409043.




2. Livres


  • New Trends in the Physics and Mechanics of Biological Systems
    Lecture Notes of the Les Houches Summer School, vol. 92 (Oxford University Press, 2011),
    éd. par Martine Ben Amar, Alain Goriely, Martin Michael Müller et Leticia Cugliandolo.

    Chapitre 9 :
    The physics of the cell membrane
    Martin Michael Müller et Martine Ben Amar.





3. Mémoires

  • Theoretical examinations of interface mediated interactions between colloidal particles, mémoire (2004).

  • Theoretical studies of fluid membrane mechanics, thèse de doctorat (2007).

  • Symmetry breaking in bioelasticity, thèse d'habilitation à diriger des recherches (2015).





     © Martin Michael Müller